Those who approach the sacrament of Penance obtain pardon from God's mercy for the offense committed against him, and are, at the same time, reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by their sins and which by charity, by example, and by prayer labors for their conversion. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1422
Confessions are offered every weekend at our three parishes or by calling the Parish Office for an appointment at 301-797-9445. Confessions are normally before Sunday mass at St. Augustine, after mass at St. James, before the Saturday vigil mass at St. Joseph and Sunday before the Spanish mass at St. Joseph.
Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist is for children in the Second Grade or above. The preparation classes are separate from Faith Formation catechesis. Students must have completed one year of Faith Formation prior to receiving their First Sacraments. They must be dual enrolled in the Faith Formation Program and the First Sacraments Program. The First Sacraments Program is completed outside of the Faith Formation Classes.
First Reconciliation traditionally happens first beginning with a parent meeting held in October where the program is introduced and materials are distributed. Instruction is done at home with parents teaching the lessons at a pace and style best suited to your child. In November, there is a retreat morning for parent and child held at one of the churches in the pastorate. The retreat days are meant to check-in on your child’s progress, answer any questions parents may have, and do hands-on activities to reinforce the lessons and bring your child to a level of comfort and confidence in approaching this important sacrament. A Communal Penance service followed by individual confession is a wonderful celebration for your child's first Reconciliation. It is designed to be a welcoming and affirming experience of God's mercy that begins a lifetime of the celebration of this Sacrament. Parents are strongly encouraged to go to confession themselves at some point during this time of preparation in order to journey with their children. Forms and the schedule of dates can be found under the Faith Formation Program heading.